E.g. "NWSE" = "the northwest corner of the southeast corner of this section".
NWNW Loyd, James 1843-04-01 MO2890__.028 | NENW Ashcraft, Jesse 1840-01-10 MO2670__.374 | NWNE Gabriel, John 1824-07-15 MO0420__.253 | NENE Gabriel, John 1824-07-15 MO0420__.253 |
SWNW Loyd, James 1843-04-01 MO2890__.028 | SENW Ashcraft, Jesse 1840-01-10 MO2670__.374 | SWNE Gabriel, John 1824-07-15 MO0420__.253 | SENE Gabriel, John 1824-07-15 MO0420__.253 |
NWSW Nixon, James M. 1841-11-10 MO2810__.005 | NESW Gabriel, John 1825-09-21 MO0430__.421 SOUTH OF MISSOURI RIVER | NWSE Chism, David H. 1856-01-15 MO3140__.180 | NESE Gerken, John 1854-03-10 MO3080__.079 |
SWSW Nixon, James M. 1841-11-10 MO2810__.005 | SESW Gabriel, John 1825-09-21 MO0430__.421 SOUTH OF MISSOURI RIVER | SWSE Howard, Stephen 1840-01-10 MO2690__.332 | SESE Chism, David H. 1856-01-15 MO3140__.180 |
The data in this page are derived from the General Land Office Records of the Bureau of Land Management, and are in the public domain.
Mark-up and images © Peter Binkley, 2004
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.